La couronne honoraire des Raromatai :

The honorary crown of the Raromatai has been designed by Michael Good and the Michael Good atelier in Maine, USA, in collaboration with French jeweller B. Livrelli.

It is a tribute to the local traditional leaf head-wreaths and to the vegetation from Earth and Sea, displaying natural colours of the islands under the sunshine.

Crux – La Croix du Sud / La Croix d’Hins : 

The pin worn by the honorary king or attached to the honorary crown is a complex symbol that represents both his Polynesian and Boiat origins :

-when the larger part is pointing down, it represents the Southern Cross (or Crux) and inspired by the shape of a Polynesian Headbreaker (club or U’u) and a paddle.

-when displayed with the larger part pointing up, its colour and form is made to recall the Croix des Marins of Arcachon, and its long part below, looking like a stake, creates also a representation of the Croix d’Hins of Marcheprime.

It has been created in Maine by jeweller Jacob Snow using personal items from Laurent’s family.

Signe “égal” – Equal sign : 

Laurent-Teva personal emblem without illustrative or geographical additions.

To enhance the egalitarian vision driving the project of the honorary representation, and the constant search for supporting an inclusive, equal and equitable vision in our communities. Instead of representing a crown, the above line is transformed and adapts to the region of the various missions a specific work, presentation or announcement is linked to.

La signature du roi honoraire :

Entre 2017 et 2018 Laurent signait les documents relatifs à la couronne honoraire par : Georges DSG, pour Soli Deo gloria en français (à Dieu Seul la Gloire).
Depuis 2018, ils sont annotés : « TTT » ou « Lo.Aq ».
Chaque document portant l’une de ces signatures est numéroté et archivé. Ils sont vérifiables ou consultables sur demande auprès de la maison royale honoraire.

Colour : Iridescent.

L’Estampille :

Portrait miniature de Laurent-Teva portant la couronne honoraire des Raromatai, et affichant le signe «Égal » replaçant les armoiries, à disposition des habitants des Îles-sous-le-vent.