Le Projet LunARC et l’Université Lunaire.

LunARC project and the Lunar University.


-Éveiller l’intérêt des Polynésien(ne)s pour l’Actualité Scientifique et Spatiale-

-Intégrer et Veiller à la Représentation de l’Océanie, de la Polynésie et de la Grande Aquitaine, de leurs langues, l’Histoire et la Culture de leurs peuples dans les discussions internationales visant à construire l’avenir des missions spatiales.


Laurent-Teva fait partie de l’équipe LunARC, visant à préparer les bases des programmes et l’installation de l’Université Lunaire sur la Lune.



« It is a first and essential step that will help convey a lasting and inclusive reference point to equality and equity in human representation in the future global discussions on space projects.

Built as a reminder of the unbalanced situation we endure in our societies, for socioeconomic and historical reasons, it can be seen as an open call to further commit to a fairer international order, at times when regionalism or egocentrism seems to prevail.

It is an inspirational and accessible way to commit to the shaping of a genuine common future for Humanity, on Earth and beyond. »

Laurent on LunARC, Ōpoa March 2023.



Introduction to Space projects



LunARC – the Lunar University – the Space Race and the new opportunities for Human advancement



To become aware of our individual and natural involvement, to understand what is at stake and to visualise the potential impact of our participation.


>Le point 0 (kilometre zero)


To face the Universe, to contemplate the Sky, the Night, the Infinite. The Ocean, the Desert or the Forest.

The immensities within our reach.

And to reflect on our own insignificance towards all this.

Imagining disappearing into these greatnesses before their time.

Being absorbed by the grandiose and space.

This kind of contemplation is usually done alone, in an inner silence that is often accompanied by the sound of the wind. A reminder that the only forces that govern this world are those of Nature.

Disturbed by man. But always winning.


The vertigo provoked by such a moment of introspection or interaction with a small part of the world that might be accessible to us at a given moment, is perhaps even more exacerbated when we add to it the idea that men and women will one day go beyond its visible frontiers, and push the limits of the Universe to embark on projects that are difficult to conceive of for anyone who is not scientifically specialised.


We would then have to set up a structure to guide their exchanges, to ensure the integrity of their initiatives and to guarantee a certain ethic in their projects.


>The current situation


A Space Race was launched a few months ago, and its many protagonists have the primary objective of establishing humanity on the lunar surface.

Their motivations are diverse: many see the Moon as a potential research station for planetary and terrestrial sciences, and its location as a convenient starting point for the exploration of Mars or outer space. Others see it as a new place to extract resources and generate wealth.


With the focus remaining primarily on engineering, militarisation and commerce, the Moon is now a place where humanity will settle for the foreseeable future, from which it will develop its interplanetary future.


>The new race to the Moon will not only be a point of reference for Humanity and for the appreciation of our environmental situation, but also a means of inspiring our actions and decisions.


Committing to a project like LunARC and participating in the establishment of the Lunar University, which in both cases requires collaboration with a launch, is far from being an evident decision.

For some of us among the most aware, we currently have on one hand the experience of an unequal human society and sometimes appalling social distress. On the other one, anxiety caused by climate change.


Two reasons that would prevent us from supporting, or even give us the most obvious arguments for opposing such an initiative.


Taking note that with or without us, the Space conquest projects described above will go ahead, this situation, revealing the low weight of our representation and desire for recognition, confronted with powerful and often individualistic contestants, encourages us to get involved.


This is indeed a crucial moment and an opportunity that will not come again to highlight the diversity that defines our World, to ensure that it is reflected in the Human Sciences, and to get the social sector to play a decisive role in defending the values of Fairness and Equality.




LunARC is a global not-for-profit initiative inspired by NASA’s Lunar University concept.

We are a diverse community of people focused on social impact, collaborating on a voluntary basis, to put equity at the heart of the next generation of space exploration and development, and driven by the principles of boldness, curiosity, humility and collaboration.


>Vision for the Project


LunARC should be seen as a tool for inclusive, fair and balanced representation of the different human groups in future Space projects and technology initiatives, respectful of and committed to diversity, and aware of the inequalities that have hitherto hindered minorities participation in such programmes.


The accessibility of this project must therefore be considered in universal terms, to enable as many people as possible to take part in it, whatever their geographical location, and to arouse interest at all ages.


>Art as a means of bringing people together and promoting a view on Human Diversity.


We are being offered the ambitious opportunity to work together, without any direct contact, but together on a common project, without the barriers usually posed by international meetings, whether political or religious. Without any administrative nor economic hierarchy. Between equal human beings.


The spirit of the LunARC project is similar to that which inspired the most humanist approaches in our History.

As with the great conceptions that have led society towards progress, the intention here is the same in that it wishes to bring together human artistic expression in all its diversity, in all its globality, at a given time, while ensuring that the situation and representation of each of the participants, who we hope will be many, is signalled or recognised, egalitarian and equitable.


>Mission 1, the Team and its challenges.


LunARC’s first mission, developed through the year 2023, is to create the first worldwide lunar Art gallery, by electronically depositing a personal art file in a capsule. LunARC has invited participants from all over the world to take part in this first launch, and everyone will be invited to take part in the next mission.

The capsule will be transported from the NASA base in 2024 by our partner LifeShip on Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander, to be launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, to the lunar surface (Mare Crisium).


Click here to see the map showing the geographical origins of the participants.


It may look simple, but it’s been a long and complex process, involving an unprecedented number of participants in a project that’s international in scope, delicate, unprecedented and ambitious, and that can’t rely on our good intentions alone.


The different areas of expertise of the international team that makes up LunARC today has enabled this project to proceed under the best possible conditions.


Discover the LunARC team here.


Faced with mixed reactions from the organisations or groups contacted when Mission 1 was set up, such as great enthusiasm and massive participation from certain communities, or on the contrary with little or no response, we are constantly reviewing and reflecting on both our structure (DAO, non-profit) and the way in which participation should be organised.


The current idea is to offer monitoring, to inspire, motivate and create opportunities for collaboration between distant communities, while boosting and supporting their voices and visibility.


Mission 2 and the Lunar University


Mission 1 and the last few months have enabled us to conceive an ideal of what the forthcoming creation of the Lunar University could generate, and to perceive certain extraordinary benefits for society on Earth that we are discovering by contributing to its development.


The Lunar University (LU) has been shaped by experts for over two decades. The concept was first developed in 2000 by Nobel Laureate Baruch Blumberg and NASA’s Astrobiology co-founder, Lynn Harper. It was advanced in 2003 by NASA Space Architect Gary Martin, whose team helped develop the Vision for Space Exploration. The LU team of experts was led by Harper, chaired by Blumberg, and included two of the Chief Scientists for the International Space Station, two astronauts and a number of technical experts and academicians from multiple disciplines.


As NASA developed the capabilities of delivering payloads to the lunar surface, this concept gained traction.

LunARC plans to expand on the concept of Lunar University through various academic and research partnerships focused on engaging students globally in future missions.


>Inspire the Present by imagining the Future.


We envision Lunar University to incorporate diverse perspectives of Humanity, enabling a true democratisation of Space exploration and development.

As a learning institution, and an integral part of the first substantial human settlement in Space, we want it to initiate a new view on how human communities and groups can cooperate and collaborate in Space, between like-minded partners.


The aim of this initiative and of our participation in it is to inspire and initiate strategies here on Earth that will help restructure our communities so that they are more sustainable, liveable and fair for future generations as well as today.

The Lunar University

Global Participation, Exciting Projects and Total Representation

Introduction to personal vision of the LU :


“Considering the current and future technical possibilities, but also the one I am far from aware of and that I progressively discover thanks to you, my personal and first conceptualisation of the LU is getting more and more reinforced as a possible physical presence (technological or human) on the Moon (even if not mandatory as I conceived the actors or participants of the Lunar University would mainly remain on Earth) is part of the procedure that will impose a physical differentiation of the LU, which might be the main asset that will motivate the sharing of new materials, knowledge and thoughts, and support human advancement more independently thanks to that unique position.

I wish LU to be a strong point or bridge in between two initiatives :

Inspire Humanity on Earth / support Human Advancement, the future Space missions and scientific progress.

I picture it as a place where equitably represented groups of Earthlings can, in the beginning, be able to discuss, learn from each other and reach an ideal cooperative relationship.

Building on that, and progressively identifying the lasting elements (political, religious concepts) impairing judgment or alternating specific considerations to dispose of them in the future exchanges, the main goal of the LU (or whatever name it will bear at that time) might be to settle a place where Humanity can gather informations and knowledge, cultural diversity and its associated combination of perspectives, and the analytical tools and resources brought by History to answer a wide variety of issues on Earth, and face Humanity’s future challenges in Space.

Operating as an Advisory Council, protected as a core from which inspirational accomplishments can arise, it might constantly question itself by learning and interacting with the Global community : While establishing a place to Preserve and Share knowledge, LU must provide a way for everyone to access those conversations and informations thanks to educational opportunities or specific programs. Can it there be eventually find the structure of a Universitas?

In summary my current vision of LU can be described as an inspiring and equitable Worldwide Agora / or a sort of International Earthling Society, created to serve Human advancement by dispensing Wisdom, while accepting and working on its limitations and supporting progress.

Its reliability depending on its autonomy of thought, its access to global material to foster hindsight, its ability to share knowledge and question any advice or proposition it delivers, and its financial independence or transparency.”

TTT / Lo.Aq